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Microsoft is working to improve the spell check feature on Chrome and Edge browsers

Microsoft said last year that it has abandoned the default spell check function in the Google Chromium open source project and will bring updates to the Windows Spellcheck API in Microsoft Edge. Interestingly, although as an optional feature, you can also add it to the Google Chrome browser, but it seems to be limited to the Windows 10 platform.


It is reported that the Spellcheck API built into the Windows 10 operating system will replace the browser’s default Hunspell spelling checker only after the user has enabled the experimental feature in the Chrome://flags settings menu.


However, the current work seems to be imperfect. For example, when the editable content contains a large number of spelling errors (more than 2000 characters), the built-in spelling checker in Windows 10 may not work properly.


At this time, if you right-click on the misspelled word on the page, you may not be able to predict whether the text with correction suggestions will pop up or the renderer process will stop responding.


Microsoft believes that the problem mainly occurs here, that is, if the suggestions have not been retrieved and cached, this feature requires IPC synchronization from the renderer to the browser process, which results in abnormal work.

Cheyenne Cox is a news report covering multiple Market and economy News. She is creative and highly professional writer. Cheyenne holds a degree in communication and journalism and has also a Diploma in digital marketing. She belongs to south Africa who has also lived in Europe and is currently based in the US.